BroccoLeaf™. The new Super Green ! It contains all the nutrients of broccoli.
Turban Squash
Turban squash really wears its name. It literally looks like you can wear this squash. It is shaped like a turban and is usually bright orange with green and white stripes. To prepare it, cut top , scoop out seeds rub skin with olive oil an wrap in foil. Bake it at 350 until skin is […]

How to Grill Onions –

How to Grill Onions – Great tip on how to keep onion from falling apart while grilling.
Butternut Squash

When you think of a winter squash the first thought is butternut squash. Butternut can be cut in half and microwaved or cut in half sprinkle with brown sugar and put in oven . It can also be peeled and cut into cubes and add your soup recipes. Great source of Vitamin A.
Turban Squash

Turban squash really wears its name. It literally looks like you can wear this squash. It is shaped like a turban and is usually bright orange with green and white stripes. To prepare it, cut top , scoop out seeds rub skin with olive oil an wrap in foil. Bake it at 350 until skin is tender . Add stuffing and serve.
Radicchio,Avocado and Grapefruit Salad

2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 firm-ripe avocado, peeled and sliced
1/3 cup chopped smoked almonds
1/4 cup sliced green onion
Salt and pepper

Lychee is a strange looking fruit. At first glance it may seem like you need a nut cracker to open this fruit, but the looks are deceiving. You can simply open this fruit by pressing inward with your thumbs. Inside you will juicy white edible meat . You can squeeze it into you mouth. But be careful ! there is a seed that you should not eat; similar to eating a cherry. Lychee is juicy and sweet with the taste of grape and pineapple. A good source of Vitamin C. #lychee

Coconut one of the best known tropical fruits. A fresh coconut can be cut opened from the top and sipped with a straw. The coconuts generally found in the produce section are brown because the outer husk of the coconut has been removed when they mature. When you crack open a mature coconut the meaty inside can be eaten as is or used for baking and other great recipes.
Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is unique in its look and taste. Looks like round eggs and has a sweet tart taste . When you cut in half an edible yellow pulp is revealed . The pulp can be spooned out an eaten as is , you can top your ice cream, and use it as a unique ingredient when juicing.